Use phenotype risk scores to study Mendelian disease and rare genetic variants
Easily fetch and process sequencing and microarray data
Quantify rhythmicity and differential rhythmicity in genome-scale data
Automated cell filtering for single-cell RNA sequencing data
Create and maintain a relational database of PubMed data
Calculate the periodogram of a time-course
Simulate large-scale, rhythmic data
Differential analysis of rhythmic transcriptome data
Accurate calculation of phase shifts in circadian time-course data
Infer circadian clock progression using clock gene co-expression
Supervised learning and quantification of rhythmicity for high-dimensional, periodic data
Meta-analysis of genome-wide gene expression
Interactive visualization of the dynamics of NF-κB signaling in live, single cells
Model of the kinase translocation reporter based on ordinary differential equations
Sort a struct array based on multiple fields
Efficient Matlab implementation of the Ridler-Calvard algorithm
Simple method to calculate the threshold for segmenting an image